“Ready for My Close-Up” Beneficiaries: Bangor Humane Society & Furry Friends Food Bank

“Ready for my Close-Up” will be on Friday, July 12, 6-9 p.m., Sea Dog Brewing Company Banquet Center, 26 Front Street, Bangor. Just a reminder, this is a people-only event. Please leave your pets at home.
Beneficiaries: Bangor Humane Society & Furry Friends Food Bank
Giving back is important to my business and as a productive member of society. When planning my Open House, I knew that needed to be part of the event. Both of these beneficiaries make a huge difference to people and pets in the community. If you can’t make it to the event, I highly recommend that you visit their websites or facilities.
Here’s a little bit about each:
Bangor Humane Society
Location: 693 Mt. Hope Ave. Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 942-8902
Website: http://www.bangorhumane.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BangorHumane
Donation Needs:
- Soft & Squeaky dog toys
- Small animal supplies
- Blankets & towels (new or used)
- Soft & hard dog treats
- Squeeze cheese
- Peanut butter
- Office supplies
- Dog collars (ie. Lupine collars)
- Kong toys & fillers
- Pressed rawhide chews
- Nylabones
- Plastic cat toys
- Clay cat litter
- Kitten milk replacement
- Tube socks
- 13-55 gallon trash bags
- Paper towels
- Clorox ultra unscented bleach
- Brooms & dustpans
- Windex
- Rubber gloves
- Spices for use in aromatherapy (Rosemary, thyme, catnip, sage, cinnamon, clove, & nutmeg)
Bangor Humane Society has matched people and pets since 1869, making it the oldest Humane Society in Maine. The Bangor Humane Society champions the humane treatment and adoption of companion animals, provides quality care for homeless pets, and promotes animal welfare through education and advocacy.
“We operate Maine’s largest animal care and adoption facility, both in terms of the total number of animals handled and the geographical area we serve,” Stacey Coventry, marketing manager at Bangor Humane Society said, “The Bangor Humane Society cares for approximately 5,000 owner released and stray animals each year. We serve over 200 communities in Maine, including eastern, coastal, Downeast, and northern Maine.
They also know the importance of the people-pet bond. If you follow them on Facebook or visit their website, you’ll notice that they take LOTS of pictures of the animals in their care and the first “family portrait” of adoptors from BHS.
Stacey noted that one of the organization’s favorite parts of being a pet-oriented business is helping to give animals the second chance they deserve and playing matchmaker to unite human and fur friend companionship. On July 12, BHS will have a booth at “Ready for my Close-Up” with information on current pets up for adoption, upcoming events, and summer pet care tips.
Why did you agree to participate in this event?
To celebrate pet companionship in our lives, network with those in the community who support similar local causes, and leverage the opportunity to talk with individuals about adoption while providing education on our mission and philosophies.
What is a tip you can offer to help prepare for photographs?
Exercise them before the shoot to expend extra energy. Bring lots of treats and squeaky toys to grab their attention. Reward the behavior you seek!
Furry Friends Food Bank (a program of Eastern Area Agency on Aging)
Location: 450 Essex Street, Bangor, Maine 04401
Phone: (207) 941-2865
Toll-free: (800) 432-7812
Website: http://www.eaaa.org/index.php?id=518&sub_id=654
Crucial Donation Needs:
- Cash
- Gift cards
- Cat litter
Secondary Donation Needs:
- Canned and dry cat food
- Canned and dry dog food
I first became acquainted with Furry Friends Food Bank while working at the Bangor Daily News on EAAA’s annual report. I quickly fell in love with its mission. In 2009, I held my first Holiday Pet Portrait event where part of the session fees went to the FFFB.
Their mission is to help seniors and people with disabilities feed their pets and keep them at home. FFFB receives donated food from several businesses and individual donations from the community. These donations are passed along to seniors and people with disabilities on EAAA’s roster.
“Furry Friends Food Bank is dedicated to preserving the special bond between people and their pets by providing pet food and basic supplies to those in need,” EAAA’s website notes.
FFFB recognizes that the love, support, and companionship pets give are invaluable to mental and physical health. This is especially true for someone who is ill or isolated. By providing this service, EAAA believes that people will be better equipped to continue caring for their pets by easing the physical and financial worry of their companion’s care while ensuring their own good health.
I have learned from EAAA over the years that people share their own food with their animals rather than go through the trauma of giving them away for adoption, especially if they can’t afford pet food or cannot physically get out to purchase it. Furry Friends Food Bank’s mission is to stop this occurrence.
Pets provide these people and the rest of us with social contact, companionship, support, and purpose. Animals have been found to relieve stress, promote health, and provide a coping mechanism for their owners. The work done by this non-profit is instrumental in keeping pets at home and loved in the Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock, and Washington counties.