Prep The Pets for Baby
You just delivered a bouncing baby bundle. Now, you’re ready to go home. You know that this is a whole new world for you!
Have you prepared your pets for their new life too?
Say what? That’s right. Your pets are impacted by this new being as much as you are. However, they may not know why they cry, what smells so good, and how something new, small, and smelly could steal time away from them.
Once Junior gets bigger, they may not understand why they crawl or even why they have to be careful around the baby. There’s a book that can help stem some of the common problems of introducing them to the family pets.
Pet Meets Baby
It’s in the form of a free ebook produced by the American Humane Association. This book, “Pet Meets Baby” is a valuable resource for new and expectant parents to navigate the waters of making a human-animal household a peaceful place to live safely and happily.
Click here to go to the landing page that allows you to download the PDF book. In honor of Dog Bite Prevention Month, this book can help parents understand what both baby and animal need to live in harmony.